Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shhh. Hush Now.

So much to be found on the other side of a quiet moment. Almost like I should dare you to be quiet for a whole minute. The truth comes out in that stillness. Maybe a truth you or I have never heard because we were never challenged or never brave enough to shut up, sit down, stop moving...and wait.

What if? What if the God you do not really want to know about really does talk to people he loves, like you. Gracious! What would you do if you invited Him to tell you how He feels about you, and then you waited until you heard him say? You would have to deal with what you heard.

I can ask this because I am not worried about what He would tell you. I know how he feels about you. But if you do not know, then you get to act anyway you want toward God. You get to respond to whatever you make up about Him. So you get to be in control of the image of God you have created, and of how you respond to this graven image. Ideal for you, except that you know your image of God is wrong. So your relationship with your idol never satisfies. You are still empty and aching for the glory that you know is in your destiny. You just keep missing the mark.

Shhh. Hush now. Be still long enough. If you are still for long enough, you will put away your noise forever. You will want, forever, to be quiet enough to never miss another word He has to say.
Holy Spirit, please put a seal on the ones who will dare to be loved.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this post, I really enjoyed reading it!

    God Bless you!!!

