Reading just now about the new tallest building.
Someone at work today was talking about how quickly America has become other than what we grew up thinking she was. The only thing that came to my mind in the conversation was that no house is worth much when it is removed from its foundation.
Now here is this article about a building whose greatness is not strictly dependent on its foundation, but upon its mass and the character of its core. Ponder that a minute. Move it and its mass does not change. Move it and its core character does not change. Sure, it still has got to have an impressive foundation. But the foundation means less than in any previous "World's Tallest Building."
Just thinking about foundation versus core character and mass.
The Spirit baptised believers' mass is the chabod, the weight of the Spirit of God. The mass is not necessarily visible, but is there nevertheless. The weightiness of the man is part of the way those who encounter him describe him.
The core character is the Naming, where the abiding name describes the character of the named one. When Father has changed someone, he has renamed him. Given a new name to describe the new character, the new man. The Name of the family which has adopted the new member. And you have to go into the core of the building to understand its significantly different nature. You have to go into the core of the man to see how he has been changed. Of course if you sit and watch him in the wind of life, you will see how he acts differently because of his new nature.
So why was I previously valuing foundation so greatly? One thing for sure is the description of the fundamental difference between building on sand and building on the Rock. And on this Rock He will build His Church. There is nothing without the fundamental truth of the Good News. But atop it, what is the fundamental character and weight of the Church as she is fittly joined together?
Father, teach us how to be the Church for which you have laid the perfect foundation. Keep us heavy with the oil of Your Spirit and joined to one another in the fashion that demonstrates your Love in the face of the wind.